Creeping around today, trying to get back to some laundry and sweeping the floor! Turns out something molded inside our vacuum and when I turned it on it spewed vomit smelling junk all over its insides! Gross! Nate got on that and took it apart to clean it. We will see if we get a new one or it goes back together. (I think I am hoping for a new one, except I am so cheap I don't want to pay for one)
In the midst of this our neighbor, who moved, so she isn't our neighbor anymore really, called and asked us to check her house that hasn't sold yet. That sounded fun to me, so I got dressed to go. Nate said I looked like I might blow away in the wind! While unlocking her door, I thought I heard water, but no, it couldn't be. OH YES, it was!!! Water pouring from the ceiling through the vent below! Almost all carpets soaked. We had to call the city to find her water shut off under all the snow. Then I called her. Not good for her. On the bright side, maybe the cleanup will help the house sell! Lessons learned: Always have your heat on in freezing weather and don't put off calling your neighbor.
Well, the girls were great during the snow days with a mommy hardly worth anything. Here is some shots of their fun play.