We went to the penguins that we hadn't seen yet first. It was a great, you could really see the penguins close up. Kitty really seemed to like them too.
We moved on to pet some bears! Stella and Naomi really liked them. And good news! Not even so much as a lick from them!
Our family portrait in the jungle in front of the water fall. The piranhas were fed right in front of us. Nate got to watch the big one gobble down the "fish" food!
We all stopped to get a close up picture with the Gila monster! Good thing he is not alive, I think he would have ate us! Then, we realized, someone was missing! No not Stella. Were was Kitty?! The hunt began, back through the jungle, lizards, bears. Who would actually take Kitty? I mean, look closely at her! Our last hope was she was still with the penguins...
There she was! We didn't think that is were we would find her because we had lost her once in the penguin area before we even left it. I guess she wandered off again before we left. She said she had a great time watching them all, but missed Naomi.
Since Kitty had missed the rest of the zoo we decided to make the last stop the chimpanzees. Stella enjoyed pounding on the glass at the baby. Naomi and Kitty posed with the statue together. It was a great time with the girls (and Kitty)!